Frank Duff
1. The Priest Must Have Members
2.Understanding The Mystical Body
3. Caphernaum And The Eucharist
4. The New Testament The Greatest Book
5. The Legion Of Mary ...For Men
7. The Spirit of Home Visitation
12. More Woman than Any Other Woman
13. Through us Jesus Loves his Mother
18. Taking One's Step from God
19. The Mystical Body Must Function as a Whole

3. 'Preach The Gospel To Every Creature' Said Christ. How?
7. Some Peregrinatio Principles
11. Persevere In Prayer With One Mind With Mary
12. Look: A Pattern Is Showing
14.The Woman Clothed With The Sun
15. The Sign-Language Of Faith
19. 'Mary Our Dear Supplement'
20. St. Paul and Our Blessed Lady

2. The Mystical Union Between The Holy Spirit and Mary
4. We Have Kept The Faith To Ourselves
5. It Was Ordered :It can be done, But Leadership Is Lacking
8. The Queen of Mexico And Empress of America
10. Religion In The 21st. Century
14. The Truth is Victorious, but it must be Presented
15. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin is incomparably the best Devotion to the Holy Spirit
19. The Nun's Role in the Mystical Body

5. The Catholics are now the Real Jews
10. The Mass: a Thrilling Adventure
12. Personality and the Addictions
15. De Chardin's Phenomenon of Man
16. The Marian Texts Blend with Each Other And Define Each Other
20. Some Special Divine Interventions on behalf of the Church

2. What Shall a Man Give for a Soul
3. Jesus and Mary in the Koran -
4. You came tome Affectionately when others called me mad
5. Our Potential Membership is the
Uncommitted Catholic Population
6. De Montfort's true Devotion to Mary
7. The Medal Called Miraculous
9. The Rosary is Irreplaceable
10. The Legion is pure Christocentrism
11. 'I have Suffered with him whom I saw Suffer'
12. And thy own Soul a Sword shall Pierce'
14. The Religion of Protestants
15. Mary Kept Hens at Nazareth
19. True devotion to the Nation

8. 'Weigh the Thought that in Man's Heart Doth Flow...'
9. With Vast Respect does God Treat us'
10. 'I Must be About my Fathers Business'
11. 'The Apostle Takes Her to His Own'
12. The Mystical Home of Nazareth
14. The Legionary and The Holy Trinity
16. Thy Children as Olive Plants